Daddy's Christmas Angel

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Did They Kill Off Joe Dubois?

As an author who likes to add a bit of the psychic in my writing, I have been a fan of the TV show Medium since it first aired in January 2005. Last night, tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched the final episode. I could not believe they killed Joe Dubois. For all the years I've watched the show, Joe was the glue that held everything together. Perfect husband he supported psychic Allison Dubois when she raced off into the night to meet detectives at the scene of a murder. Joe took care of the three kids and was an all-around good guy. This season, I was sorry to see the long hair gone and a more traditional haircut on Joe.

When last night's episode began with the crash of the airplane he was traveling on en route home from Hawaii, I was sure it was just another of Allison's dreams. After all, almost every episode began with one of her psychic dreams. However, I started to worry when the story suddenly flashed ahead seven years, and they showed Allison visiting the cemetery with an armload of flowers. Since the series is based on experiences of the real life medium, Allison Dubois and her family, I started to wonder if Joe Dubois actually had died in a plane crash. I planned to Google his name as soon as the program was over.

Although part of last night's episode was a dream, it wasn't the one I hoped for. Joe actually died. The writers killed him off, leaving no hope for the return of the series at some point. And at the end, when the credits rolled, it said that Joe and Allison were still living happily in Arizona with their three daughters.

While I am glad Joe Dubois didn't actually die, I wonder more than ever what last night's unexpected final episode was all about. Why did they kill off Joe Dubois?

Does anyone know the answer?


Helen Ginger said...

I liked the show, too. Always felt a bit sorry for Joe. He seemed to put up with a lot! I felt like they did it that way to put to rest any cries for it to come back or a special episode or something.

I sort of hope the guy who played Joe shows up on another series or in a movie or something. I liked him.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thanks for your comment, Helen. Joe did put up with a lot. I wonder if the real Joe does. I hope the actor will be in another series as well. He really made the show for me. I also liked the Bridget actress.

Joshua Hodge said...

I'm having a hard time finding anyone who cares about Medium any more. It's horrible that I have no one to share it with at all. I'm glad someone cares. Usually, I wouldn't bother to comment on someone's blog, let alone someone I don't know, but I just have to get it off my chest to a fellow Medium fan.

Prior to viewing the episode, I had no idea it was going to be that last one. The news of the show being cancelled slipped past me so easily, so I was expecting just another psychic escapade.

Like you, I thought the opening was a dream, but when it cut to years later... well, I still thought it was a dream, but one done in the style of a possible future; one that would culminate to Alison waking up and preventing Joe going to Hawaii in the first place. ...Damn, was I wrong.

I continued to think like that almost the entire episode. But Joe actually dying? That ripped my heart - I never knew how much I cared for his persona until he was standing there in the bedroom. It was then it struck home badly - he was really dead and one of the most loving marriages on TV had ended.

Even when there were talks of cancelling around the end of season 5, I didn't mind, but ending it with Joe dying and knowing that Alison most likely spent the rest of her life, 41 years, on her own was horrible. It was almost cruel.

Getting smacked over the head with the double whammy of Joe dying and it being the end of Medium, with no room for any returns, has made me so sad. I shouldn't be this broken up over a TV show - it's ridiculous.

Unknown said...

I loved this show and am so disappointed at this ending. I think it was a total rip-off of LOST. The "meeting in the after-life" was done flawlessly by the LOST team but on Medium it just felt contrived and cheap. If they were really going to kill off Joe, I wish they would have shown more of Allison's actual life without him. Did she really become an attorney? Did Devalos become Mayor? What became of Scanlon and his wife? I see the girls all had children but what did they end up being? We invested too much in these characters to be left hanging.

Unknown said...

Throughout medium, I think I fell in love with Joe. It is weird, but I had strong feelings for the character. I cannot believe they killed him off, I was crying for hours, and was really emotionally hit. I am glad medium does not go on for another season, because without Joe, its not the same. I think the tv series could have had a better ending. I refuse to watch that ending again, it hurt too much!

HarleyQuinn Paramour said...

Seriously ,what were they thinking ???if they were going to do this they could have saved the episode were Allison dies and and begins talking the her eldest helping her solve crimes till she can't take it and runs away they Allison wakes to find it was a dream and they go to Scanlans wedding I mean I thought that may have been the end and could have handed it better cause it was positive I mean I would have missed the show but would have liked not knowing how it all ended but at least keeping the family together only hope is that someone will get their heads out from under their butts and just start up another season with Allison waking and realizing it was a dream and Joe is right next to her ......seriously it left me sad and depressed many great shows canceled while stupid thoughtless ones are churned out for the dim witted .

Adaria Tigermoon said...

I think we all saw how things were going to be done through Joes attempt to console Allison. It would have been nice to see things turn out differently in regards to him dying but I think it showed something and tied it all up nicer than it could have been done. We see in the end that Al lived a long life with a lot of family and Joe was there waiting which showed a lot in regards to their love for each other.

Just thinking about this episode brings the tears to my eyes again as it did that night weeks after the show ended for good. I was playing catch up and had no clue.

It says a lot for a show to cause it's fans to have such emotions. It was so much more than a psychic crime solving show, but we all know that already. Seven good seasons are here for us to have and share on DVD and though nothing new will be made, it was a great run and will not be forgotten. I'm just glad it had two more seasons after the season five bit before it switched to CBS. Ironic as CBS Video put out the first DVD set if I recall...

Technology Expert said...

Just as when ST:TNG killed off data, I refuse to admit the last episode even exists.

Kristin said...

I can so relate to Joshua Hodge. I JUST watched the finale last night as I had DVR'd it and was putting off saying goodbye to the show I loved so much. I sat and cried for at least an hour and today I feel true grief. I think Joe and Allison had the best, real marriage on TV. I am a rational regular person but this has really made me so sad. Jake Weber was terrific and the character ripped my heart out with the "I love you Allison" on the plane as it went down, and the bedroom goodbye scene. My heart is truly aching. I guess it was poignant and a "good death" for the show, but I am still stunned.

Live, Laugh, Love said...

I just watched the whole series on Netflix and when I watched the last episode I cried and my husband laughed. I told him I would miss Joe Dubois....he knew I thought he was the perfect husband and secretly inside wished he was mine. I seriously feel like my own husband died and am having trouble dealing with it....I told my mom and she said my feeling were normal....and I feel silly but am overwhelmed with grief!

Anonymous said...

I have had the entire last season on my DVR for months and am just now watching, so I apologize for just now posting, but I needed to vent! I am saddened by the death of Joe. It was so sudden and truly a terrible way to end such an awesome series. I am obviously aware that Joe was just a made up character, but still, it tore me to pieces. I feel cheated by this ending. It was so out of left field! I agree with a few of the previous posts about how awesome Jake Weber played Joe. I have been searching the web for his next project. What a great actor!

Anonymous said...

I have had the entire last season on my DVR for months and am just now watching, so I apologize for just now posting, but I needed to vent! I am saddened by the death of Joe. It was so sudden and truly a terrible way to end such an awesome series. I am obviously aware that Joe was just a made up character, but still, it tore me to pieces. I feel cheated by this ending. It was so out of left field! I agree with a few of the previous posts about how awesome Jake Weber played Joe. I have been searching the web for his next project. What a great actor!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Just revisited my January post and was surprised to see the most recent comments. Killing off Joe still hurts for me now, all these months later. I can see that others share my feelings. Thank you all for your comments.

Anonymous said...

last night at the emmy awards, there was a photo of the actor, jake weber, who played the husband, in the segment of people who died this past year. May be he did really die.

Anonymous said...

Gutted Joe was killed off even more gutted the show has finished. It also slipped me by I thought I was just watching a regular show :(

TypeAConcierge said...

In a little way, all of your comments make me feel a TINY bit better. I felt a little silly at how SAD I feel, but I can't help it! I liked the show Medium (just watched on Netflix) but I LOVED Allison and Joe. More so even than the different cases on the show, I was facinated by the sweetness of their relationship. Seriously, it made me want to work harder on my own marriage so it could look more like theirs. I thought I was emotional when Allison had her stroke and Joe found out she was in a coma, but oh my goodness, I feel like I'm mourning a friend after seeing Joe die. I really really really wish they could have found a different way to finish up the series. I am going to be sad for awhile...

Anonymous said...

From DawnoftheNed

I'm in the uk and have over the past few weeks watched every episode of medium and I think the really upsetting thing here is that Joe and Alison had one of the most loving tv romances I have ever seen! They portray the kind of love I think most of us would like to have in our lives. To see that end I'm the manner in which it did was devastating! I'm glad the show went out with a big bang but am crushed right now by the final episode!

Anonymous said...

I also had... to be honest, I am still having issues to understand why they killed Joe =( I just watched the end of Medium two days ago, it was breath taking, I cried so much! I agree many would consider it stupid to give it importance, but when you are alone, as you watch the show, you get attached to the characters. Joe was the loving husband, the family breakfast, the good night kiss...OMG it was so sad to see him saying good bye to poor Alli...he deserved a better ending in the story; to us faithful viewers and Medium fans, we deserved a better ending.

Anonymous said...

I just finished watching the last episode on Netflix, my daughter & I was crushed, absolutely crushed when the plane was starting to crash, we couldn't believe what we were seeing. I wish we had more episodes to look forward to, we are so sad....

Anonymous said...

Just viewed last episode. Cruel, sad, dissapointed. Why such an evil ending to this great show?! Still hoping the whole episode was just a dream!

Anonymous said...

I love Medium. I am stunned and devastated by the last episode. I myself am in a happy marriage and it is just scary to realize that everything may end like this in real life, too. And so many people do experience a loss like that. My heart is aching and I think it is cruel. Why did they do this to Joe? To us?

Anonymous said...

I just looked Jake Weber up. He is alive and well. It made me feel a tiny bit better, but the death of Joe Dubois still hurts.

spirit said...

I just finished watching the show on Netflix and Joe was far and away my favorite character. When they killed him off, the series became meaningless to me as it was Joe who was the glue who put up with all of Allison's "crap". I did so tire of all her poor me whining.... Also as another posted, we had too much invested in the kids to just be given vague glimpses of their lives.

China Brooks said...

Joe dies?! What a buzz kill! I'm watching Medium on Netflix. I'm on Season 4, Ep. 9. I can't stop watching it. I like the relationship between Joe and Allison. And I think Bridgette is cute.

I love Joe! He's the perfect man/husband. Let's all say a prayer for Joe, ha ha. Seriously though...

Anonymous said...

I just watched the final season of Medium and took my time up until last night.I got to the last disk and was expecting 4 or 5 shows but there were only 2. I was thinking Allison was going to die the first episode and then visit her daughters on the finale.... I kind of feel like Id rather that happen than what really happened.

Once I saw Joe call from the plane I KNEW that it was going down. My mind was racing hoping that I was wrong but when I saw them nose dive and saw Joes reaction ... Ugh. Plane crashes freak me out so seeing his reaction just hit me hard. I got to the end once she reunited with him in Mexico and was soooo happy.... Until she hugged him. I give them credit for the emotional rollercoaster. But did he have to die?? Amnesia would have been better. I had accepted that before realizing the truth; that Allison was dreaming and took control of it saving Joe. I loved their chemistry and have always been a fan of Patricia. Glad that we were given 7seasons of Medium but Joe.... :(

Anonymous said...

I am watching the series all over again because I loved it. I am not looking forward to the last episode. I seriously LOVE the character Joe Dubois. I think the writers made him so perfectly right like that on purpose. :) It was a crappy ending that made me sick and I cried for a long time. Stupid, I know... Glad to see others did also, however! Don't feel so weird now :) Scared to get to that last episode again, may not even watch it!!! :(

Anonymous said...

I just watched the whole series on Netflix too. I am having hard time dealing with his death. I think if I ever am fortunate enough to have a husband like Joe, I don't think I would EVER get over his death. I seriously sobbed for better part of the hour after I watched the last episode. I can't believe they killed him off, what is the use of it? But I think if the writers were intending on be cruel, I guess the last episode of the series would the one to do it since they don't have to worry about ratings anymore. I don't like them switching actors either for Allison's brother.

Anonymous said...

I think I am scarred for life. To watch the series again leading to the last episode would be like watching your relatives jumping off the towers towards their death on 911. THE POINT IS, YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO WATCH IT AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

I miss Joe Dubois dearly. He is my favorite TV husband. It breaks my heart that they killed him off. I'm presently watching the series again and, as it gets closer to the final season, the dread increases. Joe's death caught me completely by surprise when they did this. I was just sitting down ready to gobble up the show and enjoy my evening only to find myself in tears and freaked out later. To the man who played Joe Dubois, you did a great job and you and your character, Joe Dubois, are much missed.

Anonymous said...

Its not real people !

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that people feel the same way I do about it, and that people are still commenting on it more than a year later :) I watched the series on Netflix recently and it took a long time to get through all 7 seasons. I had no Idea when I put it on yesterday that it was the last episode and up until the goodbyes I thought it was all going to turn out to be a dream and Joe would still be alive.. I was so tricked! I think that my husband and I really identified with Allison and Joe and I've found myself thinking about the ending a couple times today. It's sad to think that Allison had to live for so long without Joe, and that he wouldn't visit them- I mean, they could have lived a pretty normal life still since they can all see him. It also kind of reminded me in a way that things could end pretty unexpectedly, seems like an obvious concept but it's just not something we think about very often. I don't know if I could ever go back and watch another episode of Medium without feeling totally awful because even with 4 psychics around no one had any idea that Joe was going to die. SAD.

Anonymous said...

I am rewatching Medium right now episode 2 of season 2, Allison and Bridget both dream that Joe dies in a plane crash.

The back story for the episode is that the family was going on a vacation and ends up driving because of the dream.

But...the plane they were going to be on never crashes. And the dream only has Joe dead in the plane crash, not the rest of the family.

Unintentional foreshadowing?

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

The sad thing for me is that the real Joe is still living. I don't understand why the TV show had to kill him off! Too bad...

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I HATED the finale!!!
Medium was such a special tv show, the portrait of the family was done perfectly, it seemed so real, and Joe was always that thread that linked Allison to reality and that gave her some space out of her complicated crazy life. Honestly they must have been hammered when they wrote and shot the last episode. I will just go ahead and pretend that episode does not exist, but I'm really disappointed about the finale!

Shae SilverMist said...

I just finished the series tonight and I'm so angry that the writers killed him off. He really was the glue that held everything together. I guess they just needed an emotional ending and they knew that killing Joe would achieve that. I am pretty sure I will watch the show again buy I'll definitely skip the last episode. I can't mourn him again. I cried and cried at the end. My husband couldn't believe how sad I was.

Anonymous said...

I am ridiculously late with this comment because I only just watched the series finale last night. I didn't realise that there even was a Season 7 until a couple of months ago (maybe because I'm in the UK). I was certain that the Scanlon wedding was the end to the series; it made sense what with Ariel going to college and the Alli death-scare. I was sad that the show was over but any despondency was compensated for by the relief that, seemingly, everything ended well; with a bright immediate future. Though, I am forever disappointed by how great writing is drowned out by the popularity of pseudo-reality TV with cheap thrills... you know the type.

'Medium' was definitely much more than a "para-legal" show to its fans; really being about the nuclear family and Allison/Joe's wonderful marriage. I'm a bit of cynic when it comes to the idea of true love (soul mates and all that) but the DuBois marriage was my favourite on-screen relationship and did make it seem plausible. They made compromises but ultimately they were best friends and shared a life. I was a wreck when Alli said "I don't think there is me without you" or words to that effect.

It does seem a bit silly to have been made so upset by Joe's death but I did invest a lot in the show - and that's not even the point. His death is representative of the fact that wonderful people do die every day; their lives cut short in stupid accidents that could have been avoided. There is no "They can't kill him off; he's a great character" because reality, of course, isn't scripted for ratings. That kind of s**t is just easier to process when you're watching it in a television show.

I'd watched every episode of Season 7 with bated breath; hoping that my suspicions about Joe being killed off wouldn't be confirmed so I was gutted when he appeared in the doorway after Alli's dream and didn't rush her into an embrace. The last kiss was beautiful, but the thought of her aging alone and their children spending the majority of their lives without their brilliant father had me sobbing like an hysteric for the best part of an hour.

I just hope that the knowledge of his death won't taint my re-watches of the show e.g. the episode where Alli and Bridge dream about his death in a plane crash. I'm just going to rationalise as Joe would and imagine that anything could happen to stop him from going on that trip to Hawaii - the last episode was a prophecy; a parallel world.

It seems daft to write this amount but my Mum and I have loved this show for years and seeing as we're a household of two - essentially - I guess the disintegration of our favourite on-screen family felt personal. Clearly, it's fictitious. Fans who have found themselves in a phase of relative mourning aren't delusional because half an hour of hot tears over someone's death is hardly akin to the real grieving process. Everyone needs catharsis in some form. In fact, we've suffered a recent bereavement and that's a lot less easier to find an adequate emotional response to.

It's just a damn shame that the writers didn't end the show with Manuel winning the mayoral election and Alli dreaming about being a lawyer...then the family meeting Ariel after he first semester away(too idyllic?). There is something to be said for going out with a bang rather than a whimper - but going down with a crash followed by bawling didn't seem right either. Still, I've loved the gorgeous Patricia as Allison and will forever have a monster crush on Jake Weber. I reckon I'll keep thinking of Season 6 as the end - even though I'm grateful for the body-swap episode in Season 7.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

I would have felt much better about the last episode if Joe Dubois in real life were actually dead. Since he is still very much alive, it seems completely wrong to kill him off. Thanks everyone who is commenting.

Unknown said...

I`ve just finished watching the last episode... and I can`t believe in the end they gave it. I was so shocked that I started looking for people who were feeling in the same way I am. It couldn`t have finished like this... I am completely sad.

Unknown said...

I am still watching the final episodes and stumbled across this forum. I'm very sad to hear about Joe. I wish I didn't know about it but at least now I'm prepared. ..

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Karen, I'm so sorry to have spoiled other episodes for you. I wrote my post three years ago. It was such a shocking ending, I had to write about it.

Unknown said...

I loved this show. I wish they hadn't killed him either that made me mad. I almost didn't watch the last episode knowing he died just so I could pretend the writers never made that happen. They could just go on living :-)

Fiery Fi Fi said...

I have always loved this show especially the wonderful marriage between Joe and Allison. My then fiancée and I would watch their rapport and retorts and giggle thinking how they were like us being cheeky, cranky and sweet with one another. It was consistently great writing and character development that made this a wonderful series.

I have only tonight watched the last 4 episodes as when I first learnt of Joe's demise back in 2011, I couldn't bring myself to watch it then. Time hasn't dulled my affinity for these characters or this show as I have cried for the last hour too just like so many of the other people here. I loved this family more than any tv family I have ever seen so it does feel like a loss as silly as that sounds. My husband didn't want to watch the end with me tonight, he thought I was mad as I sat blubbering about Joe but I think I'll have to make him watch it as he often identified with Joe's steadfast practicality in the face of my / Allison's flights of fancy.

A shocking, sudden and needless close to a wonderful love story, a shame for so many reasons, the main one being the real Joe still lives!! What were they thinking?!

So all these years later, Medium fans are still here wishing it had never ended at all and particularly not in the manner that it did. I'm glad I found your blog though, it's somehow comforting to know that I'm not alone in loving Medium and it's family!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thank you, Erica, for your comment.

Thank you, Fiery.

Every day I still get many visits to this blog post. I'm so sorry they didn't leave it open, so we could have the series continue at some point with Joe still there. He was my favorite character in the show.

Melanie said...

Somehow this makes me feel better about my reaction to Joe's death. I found out by mistake (still haven't seen the episode), but it's impacting my watching of the remainder of the series on Netflix. I too loved Joe. He is a lot like my husband, and I did love how they showed a more realistic marriage here. I don't know if I'll ever watch the final episode. Maybe after I've finished all the other episodes, if I need a REALLY good cry!

Unknown said...

I am completely gutted. I watched the finale two years ago after I stopped watching the show (they stopped airing it in my country) but read about what happened. I couldn't believe it. why did they end it that way. it was awful. now I can't even watch The earlier episodes without wanting to cry.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to find this site and read the comments from you guys- people who love Medium and love Joe Dubios! I just had a chance to watch the final episode yesterday via iPad. I cried so much. I started looking for Jake Weber on the Internet. I realised it was crazy to cry over the TV series. I love the character so much. First time I saw him I thought he was not that handsome, but hie character as Joe Dubious was so charming til I fell in love with him. Anyway, now, it makes me wanna DREAM. Even though I am not a dreamer, I have no choice but to dream away my own version of the final Medium episode - Joe has to live for another 40years at least! For crying out loud- why did they have to kill Joe!?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to find this site and read the comments from you guys- people who love Medium and love Joe Dubios! I just had a chance to watch the final episode yesterday via iPad. I cried so much. I started looking for Jake Weber on the Internet. I realised it was crazy to cry over the TV series. I love the character so much. First time I saw him I thought he was not that handsome, but hie character as Joe Dubious was so charming til I fell in love with him. Anyway, now, it makes me wanna DREAM. Even though I am not a dreamer, I have no choice but to dream away my own version of the final Medium episode - Joe has to live for another 40years at least! For crying out loud- why did they have to kill Joe!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

C KT, I keep hoping for a revival of the show with it was only a dream that Joe died. Patricia Arquette has moved on to another series, so a revival in doubtful. Sorry.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

I think I've seen Jake Weber once on another show. He was so perfect for Joe.

Unknown said...

Does anyone think there is any correlation between the quick and horrible ending to this show and the real Allison Dubois appearance on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? I can't help but think Medium's producers caught word of her horrible behavior on the Real Housewives show and ended Medium as quickly as possible to prevent backlash. Just a thought...

Sandvette9 said...

I agree with everyone who said they hated the ending that killed off Joe. I think that it even depressed me so much that I didn't even want to see reruns of the show because I would be thinking of his death all the time! However, it's 2016 and I have seen a few reruns of Ghost Whisperer and decided to watch Medium on Amazon Prime. I have really missed these shows because they were terrific. I don't know why they are not playing on DirecTV, but I love not having to see any COMMERCIALS! I thought that last show was so depressing, especially seeing her reunited with Joe when she died. I thought of all those wasted years that she and her girls would be without him.

Oh well, at least they didn't put Joe in someone else's body and pass him off as Joe! I never could figure out about that on GW unless there was a contract dispute.

Doris1981 said...

I also agree with everyone who said they hated the ending od Medium TV Show. I still don't get it. But I think that in season first and second (maybe more...) there are some clues, that something bad, tragic will happen to Joe.

[Sorry for my English. I try to do my best, but I'm still making mistakes]

Medium Fan said...

I loved this show when it originally aired and started re-watching on Netflix just recently. I must have blocked Joe's death, totally and completely from my mind. I watched the last episode with a strange feeling of dread, just waiting for that moment when Allison would wake up with Joe beside her. When I saw him standing in the doorway in that same shirt from the plane, I was crushed! And the feelings have been with me all night. Even now, I find it impossible to stop dwelling on his death. The tears continue to creep down my face while at the same time, I shake my head at the ridiculousness of my reaction. I truly understand it's just a tv show and that the "real" Allison and Joe are happy & healthy. But like the others who posted, I loved these characters and their "real" relationship, warts and all. I feel Joe's loss so deeply for myself and the woman who loved him. Finding this blog and reading your comments made me feel better. Thanks.

Momo2 said...

I liked him too best tv husband ever imo

Momo2 said...

Thank God for the invention of hulu I am watching the whole show again. Currently still on season 1. He is my favorite TV Dad ever. I loved Arquette too. One of my all time best tv shows.

haimers09 said...

Flash forward 6 years and I'm watching all over again, faithfully this time!

lozzaww said...

Hi guys! I'm rewatching at the mo (it's taken me a while to get over Joe) and I stumbled upon this post while trying to find the Dubois house floor plan... anyway, I'm rewatching, into S3, but I will not be rewatching the finale. I'm not losing Joe again!

Needingtoknow said...

I always wondered why they killed off Joe at the end of the series. Didn't really like that ending much. Still not nearly as bad as what they did with Quantum Leap!
At least the possible reason for it that someone else mentioned, making sure the show is done for good well it makes alot of sense that way. Glad to know the real Joe isn't dead I couldn't remember, lol.
By the way I don't his real name but the actor who played Joe used to be in another supernatural tv series. American Gothic he was a former drunk & the towns doctor. U know what I've just forgotten his name in that as well. Brilliant show mind.

Nichola Harwood said...

I've just finished watching it all! It's made me sad. More sad that Joe died, than medium actually ending. An amazing series! We need more series' like medium

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm watching the series over again too! Forgot how much I loved it. I'm on Season 5, Episode 8 "Truth Be Told". The summary says a former colleague sues Joe saying he stole their idea. Can you help out an impatient fellow fan and tell me, how does the lawsuit turnout? I can't remember from years ago and hate the thought of Joe being in trouble. Thanks!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Kara Soltez, I wish I could help you, but I don't remember how that turned out. I assume it worked out okay for Joe. Thanks for commenting.

leeanne82 said...

I agree with more shows like medium and ghost whisperer,i been watching repeats i never saw the final episode til today and i was shocked to know joe even went down in a plane crash to allison dying at the end, i thought it was her mum at first then realised it was alison