Daddy's Christmas Angel

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sitting on a Butterfly Bench

Butterfly Conservatory Bench
The beautiful metal butterfly benches scattered throughout the Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory intrigued me. They are lovely and truly sculptural art pieces. They make flattering backdrops for portrait photography.

As I strolled throughout the garden walkways, I was drawn back to the perfect look of the benches. The fluttering butterflies were fascinating to watch as they settled on the foliage. There were colorful fish in the waters of the pond. Birds flew up into the trees; colorful little tropical birds (I don't know their names) perched inside pots hanging on one wall or settled on the foliage there.

Late afternoon, the area was crowded with lots of folks with digital cameras. Background music provided a pleasant backdrop for sitting on a bench and "being in the present" like Rana DiOrio's book for children promotes. Visitors to the Conservatory were warned to check for butterflies before going out but we found no hitch hikers on us when we left.

The Conservatory visit was special; the gift shop was spacious and full of wonderful things. However, sitting on a butterfly bench and watching the tropical world of creatures all around was the most special of all.


Copyright Mary Montague Sikes


N. R. Williams said...

I liked to hitch hike my way inside to visit the butterflies, fish and birds. And of course, to sit on that bench. It looks wonderful.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Robin Spano said...

Your blog looks GREAT. I love the facelift.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That bench is unique!

M. T. Logan said...

I know just what you mean. We have a Butterfly Pavillian in Denver. If you sit quietly on a bench,the butterlies wil land on you. Magical!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Even though I've lived in South Florida and now live close to Denver, I've still not visited a butterfly pavilion. I think I'd best add that to my list of things to do. The bench is certainly a bonus. Very petty.

Peggy Frezon said...

Ah looks so relaxing!

Mike Orenduff said...

Hi Monti,

We went there several years ago and loved it. You describe it well. I found the Keys overcrowded, but the butterfly place was an escape from the hectic pace.
