Daddy's Christmas Angel

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Reading and Editing

Do all writers have trouble reading a book without having their inner editor pop in? I do. It is disconcerting and takes away from the story for me. But I can't seem to help it.

I've started to wonder if people are less concerned with grammar and proper usage of words these days. Even television commentators tend to use incorrect English. Does anyone else notice this? Does anyone care?

Words repeated in the same sentence or paragraph stand out when I'm reading. I want to click open the thesaurus and find a different word for that author to use. Maybe I'm carrying editing too far. What do you think?

Thank you, Alex Cavanaugh, for starting the Insecure Writer's Support Group. I'm enjoying meeting new writers as I travel around the group.


Ciara said...

I'm able to read without concern of grammar for critique partners rough drafts. I can also write a fast rough draft without being concerned. BUT I can't stand to read a book with typos or repetitive words, and I'd hopefully never release one.

Linda King said...

I don't think you're being too extreme at all! I cringe constantly listening to people on TV these days - what's happening?! And I am developing bug-bears such as people saying "I was sat" instead of "I was sitting"(when they actually mean 'I was sitting' - as opposed to having been led somewhere and put on a particular seat!)I've also read too many badly edited self-published e-books lately. It's a real cringe-ville! Rant over. Thanks for giving me the outlet! LOL!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I notice but often I can just turn it off and enjoy if the typos and such aren't too bad.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Ciara, I can't stand to not edit a rough draft. That makes it a slower process. Thanks for visiting!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Linda, I am so appalled at TV because children are watching and thinking these mistakes are all right! Thanks for your visit.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

I can't do it, Alex. Wish that I could. Thanks for stopping by.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I also notice that in other's people writing and I'm afraid I don't notice it in my own. Does being a writer lessen the joy of reading because you can't help but edit?

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Susan, I think it may lessen the love of reading unless the editor gets turned off. With me, that probably will not happen, sad to say. Thanks for visiting.

Chuck said...

Monti, I have come to the conclusion that if the story and the writing flows, and rules are broken, so what? Finding fifty different words to replace one is just too much, and to me, at some point, it gets ridiculous. There I said it!

Michael Di Gesu said...

HI, Monti,

I am so there with you on this. I used to LOVE to read and read tons of books quickly. NOW that I have become a writer.... SO, NOT THE CASE. I constantly edit as I go along and typos and repetition drive me CRAZY. So I don't read as often as I should.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Chuck, you are the perfect reader! You get the story which is the real point of writing. Thanks for your input!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Michael, I so understand what you are saying! Thanks so much for your thoughts!