Daddy's Christmas Angel

Friday, April 5, 2013

Eagle Rising - Painting A Day

A to Z Challenge

Today the Blog Challenge is the letter "E". I chose an eagle for my Painting of the Day subject. Using photos I took in Sedona, Arizona while I was working on my novel Eagle Rising, I created my painting for today. The beauty and serenity of the Red Rock Country inspires me every time I see it. This painting is smaller than the last two, 14" x 11" and is acrylic on stretched canvas.
"Eagle Rising" acrylic painting ©Mary Montague Sikes

Since I was taking an all-day printmaking workshop on Thursday, I did not have time to catch up with my A to Z blogger friends. I promise to make up for it today. Thank you everyone who has visited my blog. A painting a day is a challenge, but it's fun as well!

Mary Montague Sikes


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Monti, that's brilliant!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Alex, thank you!

Billie Johnson said...

Another lovely one, Monti, but I am still FULL of the images from our latest SNAPSHOT book...Scenic James River...just can't get that out of my mind!

Billie Johnson
Oak Tree Press

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Wow, Billie! I'm so glad you like our new book. I love anything with pictures in it!

Kern Windwraith said...

You've really captured the movement and that sense of freedom that the sight of an eagle in flight inspires. Just lovely!

Leovi said...

Really exquisite eagle ... Beautiful combination of colors!

Margo Kelly said...

LOVE Sedona. We used to live in Arizona, and I'll never forget the time my husband took me up in a Cessna for the first time. We flew over Sedona. Even more mesmerizing from the air!

Golden Eagle said...

That's a beautiful painting! I love the colors.

Kerri Cuev said...

I love the colors in this painting. Very beautiful.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thank you, Kern. I do love this pose which I found in a piece of sculpture.

Thank you, Leovi. Glad you like the colors.

Margo, Sedona is one of my favorite places in all the world. The colors there are unforgettable.

Golden Eagle, thank you!

Kerri, I'm happy you like the colors. Thanks for visiting!

Mary said...

Another gorgeous picture!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thanks, Life in a Small Town!

Amy Sikes said...

Wow, another wonderful painting! You should do a show with these once you're all finished.

Linda said...

This is so beautiful!

Chuck said...

Superb job. That style is just awesome. I am blown away that you can do a painting a day and do it so well.

You will have the A-Z 2013 Gallery when we're done. I suspect it will be a great showing.

Chuck at Apocalypse Now

Al Penwasser said...

I remember the first time I saw an eagle in the wild. It was at a fish camp in Florida. Absolutely stunning.
The only eagles I see around here are the type that can't ever win a Super Bowl.

Bob Sanchez said...

I love the painting, Monti!

Unknown said...

I have read 2 posts on Eagles and 2 posts on Elephants today. I think the painting is amazing, I envy that talent. Great post, I am following from blogging A to Z. I just added you on GFC.


Lorena G. Sims said...

That's wonderful! I will be following your blog.