Daddy's Christmas Angel

Friday, April 10, 2015

"I" is for Infinity - A to Z Challenge

"I" is for infinity. Farrah Ferand, the heroine in Evening of the Dragonfly is fascinated by the infinity symbol. That symbol ∞ was introduced in 1655 by a mathematician named John Wallis. The symbol ∞ can be created on your computer in Windows 7 by holding down the Alt key and typing 236 on the number pad.

"Infinity" ©Mary Montague Sikes
Farrah is captivated by the mysticism surrounding the infinity symbol which for her is used to denote unbounded limitations. Unbounded is what she is attempting to show in her painting today which came to her in a dream. "Infinity" is mixed water media on canvas, 20" x 16".

For those of you who have just joined this blog journey:
Evening of the Dragonfly is a novel set in the 1980s, a time less complicated than today. Farrah Ferand has a high school art teaching job in a small Virginia town. She meets Dirk Lawrence, a businessman from the city, who takes an interest in her and in her painting and is helping her build a studio over the garage in her rented home. Farrah is thrilled to have the studio because she has a one-person art exhibition scheduled. As she works on new paintings, Farrah realizes things about herself, her relationships, and the tragic loss of her mother. We encounter some of her realizations as new paintings and parts of painting are unveiled each day during the A to Z Challenge. My book is available in trade paperback and as an e-book.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Another 'spacy' painting - I like it!

Susan Kane said...

I am eager to try this. The infinity symbol is big in Celtic designs.
Thanks for commenting on my blog.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thanks, Alex. I love "spacey" things.

Susan, it's fun to discover ways to make unique symbols!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

It's beautiful, Mary.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thanks, Diane!

Sue McPeak said...

I'm catchng up with Farrah's paintings and your posts. Wonderful paintings and thoughtful details in recreating scenes from the book. It's on my download Kindle list as soon as April is done. Well done, Mary!
Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
AtoZ 2015 Challenge
Minion for AJ's wHooligans

Joanne said...

love the painting. And in the words of Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story - to infinity and beyond. good stuff

J Lenni Dorner said...

J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge 2015!
Great post. I'm following you on your listed social media sites.

I am also fascinated with the infinity symbol! Almost as much as with the Fibonacci spiral and golden spiral.

LOL... the reCaptcha made me find beer. Ha ha ha.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Sue, thanks for following this craziness of paint on canvas! Hope you enjoy the book.

Thanks, Joanne! Like the to infinity and beyond!

J. Lenni, thanks for the follows! I don't like that prove you're not a robot thing and have learned you can skip it!!! Yea!