Daddy's Christmas Angel

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dangerous Hearts Reviewed

Nathalie Brault  has an interview with me and a review of Dangerous Hearts posted on her review site, Book Eternity today. I was pleased that she gave my first journey into the realm of e-books four stars.

This book is actually a novella that is part of the Shadowed Hearts Gothic romance series. Eventually there will be about a dozen novellas in this series, produced by Gothic Romance Writers chapter members of Romance Writers of America (RWA). Originally I had planned for this to be a longer book, but when the opportunity arose to be part of the Gothic series, I took it.

Nathalie also posted the review on Goodreads, but was unable to place it on Amazon because a reviewer must have an account for the review to be accepted. Of course, that places a hardship on anyone living in Canada or outside the United States. Over the past several years, I have had several readers who reside in the U.S. tell me they were unable to post on Amazon and couldn't understand why. From now on, I think I'll go ahead and post the reviews (which they usually send me because they don't know what else to do) even though it will show them coming from my account.

Dangerous Hearts is a book of my heart because the story centers around a priceless necklace given to my heroine's great-grandmother at the turn of the 20th Century. Maria met the crown prince of a small European country when going to tea at the historic Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia. The romance took place at the Jefferson where the dramatic staircase is central. When the prince was forbidden to marry Maria, he gave her the necklace which my heroine has inherited. Now, murder and mayhem follow my heroine...

This is my first review for Dangerous Hearts, and I thank Nathalie for writing it.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's great, Monti!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thanks, Alex!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Don't you just love getting those nice reviews? Four stars is excellent, Monti. Congratulations.