Daddy's Christmas Angel

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Light, Love, and Sculpture in Key West

Seward Johnson sculpture in Key West ©MM Sikes
When we landed in Key West, Florida last week, the first thing I noticed was the difference in the light there. The water, foliage, and even the animals have a very Caribbean appearance. The water and clouds reminded me of my Media General painting that sold at auction earlier this month. That painting was based on photographs I took while visiting islands in the lower Caribbean.

Seward Johnson sculpture ©MM Sikes
I also was amazed once again by the life-size pieces of sculpture on the roof that greet arriving visitors to the Conch Republic. I wonder, but didn't ask, if they, too, are by the prolific artist, Seward Johnson, who entertains tourists with his delightful creations on view outside the Art Museum by the docks. He has changed the one in front of the building and now has the sailor kissing the nurse after the WWII popular photograph. An earlier one at that location was of dancers from a different period of history.

Johnson sculptures on the airport roof ©Mary Montague Sikes
Seeing the Johnson sculptural renderings makes a visit the Key West worthwhile. I didn't go inside the Art Museum this time. However, I will never forget "The Boating Party" that Johnson fashioned after the famous Renoir painting.
His fantastic sculpture was on view at the museum several years ago. It was a perfect example of light, love, and sculpture.


L. Diane Wolfe said...

We've always said we needed to take a trip to Key West.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Great place for photography, Diane!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Those are some big sculptures!

Birgit said...

That Alfred Eisenstaedt photo is so famous and the Renoir great to see. He is pretty cool and would love to see his work some more.