Daddy's Christmas Angel

Showing posts with label souls of the dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label souls of the dead. Show all posts

Friday, August 29, 2014

Simple Events Inspire the Writer and the Artist

"Dragonfly" (detail) - acrylic ©Mary Montague Sikes
Several years ago, when we arrived at the condo in Hilton Head, South Carolina where we spend a week each year, I heard sounds of bumping and buzzing coming from the deck outside. When I went to check on the commotion, I discovered a half-dozen or more dragonflies circling and colliding with the sliding glass door. I filed the happening away for future reference.

That's what writers and artists do. We see the world in a different way. Simple events that others fail to notice are important happenings for us. We start thinking, "what if," and the imagination begins an amazing journey. The sounds of the dragonflies became part of the book I am now writing. The dragonfly image is used in several paintings I have already completed.

Dragonflies are symbolic and hold special meaning for me. In the author's note at the beginning of my novel, Night Watch, I write that the dragonfly is a symbol of change and new beginnings. I also write that to some Native Americans, this beautiful insect of reflected and  refracted light  represents souls of the dead. In my latest work, which I am now calling Evening of the Dragonfly, I use this symbolism in an important scene derived from the little event in Hilton Head.

Since that first encounter with the dragonflies, I have become more aware of the beautiful creatures. I have purchased glittering ornaments, glass decorations, necklaces, pins, and more. The heroine in my book may in some way become a collector of dragonflies. I'm not sure yet, but you know how characters take over your book.
"Dragonfly" (detail) - pastel ©Mary Montague Sikes

What about you? Do real life scenes grab you and not let go until years down the road you have to write about

Monday, February 18, 2013

Symbolism in Writing - The Dragonfly

"Dragonfly Morning" (detail) ©Mary Montague Sikes
From the time I first started reading, I was captivated by symbolism. Of course, at a very young age, I didn't know what that word meant, but anything that brought pictures into my mind gave me joy.

These days, I enjoy creating images that symbolize or express an intangible ideal. I am especially intrigued by the dragonfly.

Did you know that certain cultures, like some tribes of the native American Indians, believe dragonflies are the souls of the dead? There are many other beliefs as well, such as they represent new beginnings, prosperity, happiness, and much more.

While I was working on my novel, Night Watch, we took a trip to Hilton Head, South Carolina. Upon our arrival, I heard a lot of commotion on the balcony outside our sliding glass door. Concerned, I went to see what was happening. To my surprise, a half-dozen or more dragonflies were flying around, bumping into the glass, with the light of the setting sun reflecting on their transparent wings. I was enchanted and in complete awe. It was like a sign because in my book, the dragonfly holds a special meaning. It is symbolic of the change taking place in my heroine's life. For many centuries, the dragonfly has been a symbol of change, so what better creature to be a part of my story?

Last week, I decided to make a painting with dragonflies in it. I then took a detail from my new art work and made a greeting card. Inside each card, I placed the following message on an insert:

"The dragonfly is a symbol of change, going beyond self-illusion to create new beginnings and happiness. Because their colors result from reflected and refracted light, dragonflies may be associated with color magic and illusion. For some Native Americans they represent the souls of the dead.

When Lily discovers the dragonfly necklace in Night Watch, she reconnects with a past she does not quite understand. The dragonfly represents all the change that has occurred in her life. It is a symbol of a new beginning for her, and it brings back a bit of magic into her life as well."

At my book signing, I focused on Night Watch and gave a copy of my new card and insert with each purchase of my books. The dragonfly represents magic and beauty to me.

Souls of the dead?

Perhaps. We know so little about life...

People are attracted to dragonflies. During the next few weeks, I plan to paint more of them.

--Mary Montague Sikes