Daddy's Christmas Angel

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Loving Indiana Jones

An old poster of Indiana Jones hangs on the wall in a small bedroom in our house. I love the poster and I loved Harrison Ford in the movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark.

As I wrote my novel, Jungle Jeopardy, I visualized a young Ford as the almost-hero of my book. Tyler Hunter (my character) is an archaeologist who knows a lot about ruins of all sorts, including the Maya which are depicted fictitiously in my story. Another character, Clifton Wilder, the hero of a previous book, Secrets by the Sea, wears an Australian-style hat similar to Ford's in Jungle Jeopardy. A jaguar figures prominently in my book.

Were there any jaguars in Raiders? I don't remember.

Earlier today, I studied the Indiana Jones poster and decided it would be great fun to create an outfit for book signings that links a little to the Ford image from the movie. I have an Australian bush hat my children brought home from a trip there. I'm going to wear that hat, a brown jacket with the look of one from the movie, and a silk shirt with a jaguar image on the front to my next signing. I already have a painting I created of a jaguar to go with my story. Although I look nothing like Harrison Ford and I don't have a gun to strap around my waist (think that would be illegal in Virginia), I'm excited about this branding project for Jungle Jeopardy.

Will I attract readers? I don't know, but it should be fun trying!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Worth a shot! That is one of the best adventure films of all time. No jaguars though. But there were plenty of snakes!

Chuck said...

I loved the Indiana Jones series a lot. I even remember seeing a re-enactment at Disney World about 10 years ago...the scene with the giant ball rolling after him. It was great. Good luck in your Indie getup! You will have to post pics.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Please don't remind me, Alex. I hate snakes! That was one awful scene!!!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thanks, Chuck. Now if I can remember to remind someone to take photos, I will post them. And I have to go directly from the book signing to an art opening which is more dressy!